Diversity Conference: Cape Town, South Africa, June 20-22, 2011


University of the Western Cape  
Cape Town, South Africa
20-22 June 2011

The Diversity Conference has a history of bringing together scholarly, government and practice-based participants with an interest in the issues of diversity and community. The conference examines the concept of diversity as a positive aspect of a global world and globalized society. Diversity is in many ways reflective of our present world order, but there are ways of taking this further without necessarily engendering its alternatives: racism, conflict, discrimination and inequity. Diversity as a mode of social existence can be projected in ways that deepen the range of human experience. The conference will seek to explore the full range of what diversity means and explore modes of diversity in real-life situations of living together in community. The conference supports a move away from simple affirmations that ‘diversity is good’ to a more nuanced account of the effects and uses of diversity on differently situated communities in the context of our current epoch of globalization. 

The conference will include presentations by the following plenary speakers: 

* Sue Clegg, Center for Research into Higher Education, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK 
* Carole Frampton, Former Director, Women’s Peace Center, Washington D.C.
* Glenda MacNaughton, Director, Center for Equity and Innovation in Early Childhood, Professorial Research Fellow, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia  
* Brian O’Connell, Vice Chancellor and President, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa
* Crain Soudien, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa
* Michalinos Zembylas, Open University of Cyprus, Cyprus, Greece

For additional information, please visit our website at www.ondiversity.com/conference-2011/plenary-speakers

In addition to these plenary speakers, the conference will be comprised of parallel paper, workshop, and colloquium presentations by researchers and practitioners by leading thinkers in the field of diversity. Participants are invited to submit a presentation proposal for a 30-minute paper, 60-minute workshop, or a jointly presented 90-minute colloquium session. 

Presenters may also choose to submit their written papers for publication in the peer-refereed International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations. Those who are unable to attend the conference in person are welcome to submit a virtual registration, which allows for submission of a paper for refereeing and possible publication in the journal, as well as an option to upload a video presentation to the conference YouTube playlist. 

The deadline for the next round in the call for papers (a title and short abstract) is 7 April, 2011. Future deadlines will be announced on the conference website after this date. Proposals are reviewed within two weeks of submission. Full details of the conference, including an online proposal submission form, may be found at the conference website: www.ondiversity.com

We look forward to seeing you in Cape Town in June 2011. 

Yours Sincerely, 

Prof. Vivienne Bozalek
University of the Western Cape, Cape Town For the Advisory Board, International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations and The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations

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